Maria Szakats features on EASTTOPICS Magazine

When did you first realize that you could tell stories?- conversation with Maria Szakats


What aspects of your cultural background do you draw the most inspiration from?

I was born in Romania but grew up in Austria since I was very little, and for the past 17 years I have been living in France. All these cultural environments have had their impact on my development, but generally I feel European. I don’t think there is any one of these cultural backgrounds that permeates particularly heavily through my work.


Working in the fashion industry was always the goal for you?

I studied fashion at first, and worked in this industry for a long time. So it was my goal for a certain length of time. But we all evolve and change and our desires, needs and ways of expression change too. So, over time I knew that the fashion industry was just not right for me anymore.


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January 30, 2024